The Soul-Quran Kareem: And they ask you about the Spirit(Ruh/ Soul) Say, “The Spirit is of the Command of my Lord; and in no way have you been brought of knowledge except a little.”(Surah Al Isra 17:85); Allah azza Wa Jal- takes the Souls during Sleep; And it is He who takes your souls by night and knows what you have committed by day. Then He revives you therein that a specified term may be fulfilled. Then to Him will be your return; then He will inform you about what you used to do. And He is the subjugator over His servants, and He sends over you guardian-angels until, when death comes to one of you, Our messengers take him, and they do not fail [in their duties].- Surah Al Anam (ayah 60-61); Surah Az Zumar (39:42) It is Allah Who takes away the souls of people at the hour of their death, and takes away at the time of sleep the souls of those that have not died. Then He retains the souls of those against whom He had decreed death and returns the souls of others till an appointed time. Surely there are Signs in this for a people who reflect. Bismillah School- Quran Kareem; Islamic Reminders; #Souls#Islam; #Life#Death;#Bismillah School
Soul in Islam
Liyana Parker
Teacher- Traveler – Explorer